Inha1ed's Website

Hi, welcome to my website. Not much going on here right now as i'm still learning HTML and CSS and everything else lol :).

The site you're on right now is actually the old site, as currently im making the new site but haven't got everything working yet and dont want stuff to look weird lol. You can check out the "home page" as i'm calling it, though its not much more than a main menu. Its got links to a more updated about page, to-do list and the stuff im currently in the progress of making. I'm still gonna keep this old site around though, as i'm still happy with it and I think it'll be cool to look back on :D


Alternatively you can jump straight to the updated "inha1ed" page, which similarly to this page is about hotwheels pictures. Still in the process of updating it but its almost done :P


Stuff I like doing:
Kicking ADHD and Depression's ass B)
Drawing, i'm currently trying to get better but its slow going lol
Halo: Combat Evolved
Cars, mostly 80's and Rally
Photography... how could you tell?
To-do list (for the website)
Make homepage
Graphics: RE-DONE!
The actual sites the menu buttons will go to: In progress
Ideas: Simultaneously too many and not enough
Stop procrastinating lol


All these photos were taken on my iPhone 7. Which mama mia that thing is like 8 years old now o_O
Makes sense why it runs so slow, still works though he a trooper
I FINALLY got the captions working for the images before realising that I dont know what to caption them, so yeah they might get changed lol. I've also linked some music that I like on some of the images. They're all probably gonna be different genres and stuff, but I just thought i'd do it anyway.

Various Hotwheel Group B Rally cars of various makes and models, lined up diagonally away from the camera. [Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy]
Service Area
Hotwheels GrpB Rally Ford RS200 on a rock infront of some heather flowers [Scatman John - Scatmans World]
Just thought this looked cool :)
Hotwheels GrpB  Rally Lancia 037 driving along some wood, with waterfall in the background [GTA 3 Theme]
Waterfall Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally Audi Quattro behind some leaves, with a beam of sunlight on it [BARx - Overdrive]
Forest Stage
Hotwheels GrpB  Rally MG Metro 6R4 on some concrete, next to a concrete wall. Grass obscures parts of the picture, as if it was taken at ground level [Wolfs Rain OST - Stray]
Concrete Stage (metro ftw)
Hotwheels Grp B Rally MG Metro 6R4, parked on the edge of some wood. The background is a very foggy grass field [Silent Hill 2 OST - The Day Of Night]
Silent Hill Stage
Hotwheels GrpB Rally BMW M1 on the end of a rusty metal bar, pointing into the sky. The horizon is at an angle, and most of the background is a clear sky [Noistcontrollers - Revolution is Here]
Sky Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally Audi Quattro on a rock ontop of a hill. Rocky hills are seen in the background [Windows XP Install Theme / Stan Lepard - Velkommen (SM64 Soundfont)]
Mountain Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally Lancia 037 on a dirt path, with some grass in the background. The car is illuminated by sunlight, however is surrounded by shadows cast by leaves of trees overhead [World of Tanks - Main Menu 2]
Safari Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally Lancia 037 on a dirt path. A beetle about 1/3 the size of the car is nearby [XOR37H - Alchemy Mindworks Productskg]
Wildlife on the Safari Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally BMW M1 on a path surrounded by heather. The photo is taken from above, making the heather almost look like trees [The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet]
Forest Stage
Hotwheels Grp B Rally Ford RS200, on a rock surrounded by water. The water is part of a lake shown in the background. The other end of the lake is shown in the distance [Alphaville - Big in Japan]
Water Stage