Hi! I'm inhaled
Not much going on here right now, but im hoping to do more stuff in the future :)
The main reason I made this site is because I kinda wanted to share more of my stuff online. Other than some youtube videos over the years, i've not really "interacted" online at all. I thought a website would be a fun idea as they are way more customizable than pretty much every social media sites nowadays. I'm still learning HTML/CSS so sorry if some pages are formatted weirdly or you have to download loads of data. If you made it to this page though then I must've done something right :D
You might be confused by the naming convention of inha1ed,inha2ed,inha3ed etc. Basically I suck at usernames and got stuck with "inhaled" since my autogenerated Xbox 360 gametag (from 2012) was InhaledPack5. Prior to making this website I made some youtube videos about speedrunning the Cursed Halo mod for Halo: Combat Evolved. They got somewhat popular (1-5k views) but then when I wanted to upload completely different videos I got really anxious about the content being different. When making this site I couldnt decide what to make it about, and had similar anxieties. Thus I decided to just make a "new" site everytime I wanted to do something new, so inha"1"ed is for my Hotwheels Pictures, but inha"2"ed is about (something I've not done yet xD) etc.
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