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Update Log

25/1/2024 [15:06]

Small update today, just made a new inha1ed album. Think its better if I don't post an update here if its just uploading images lmao

19/1/2024 [19:46]

Weird day today. Worked on inha1ed and the new gallery/albums. Made it so that images don't require a description + I added a big description box at the top. Should make newer albums easier and quicker to add because every picture wont need its own description.

16/1/2025 [14:00]

Gonna make this quick cos AGAIN i left lunch too late lmao. Worked on inha2ed and pretty much got the site working how I want it. Just need to upload all the drawings and stuff now and it'll be complete :D

15/1/2025 [15:10]

Worked on the site AFTER lunch today ;)
Just did some more stuff with the picture viewer on inha2ed. Annoyingly i spent most of the time trying to get an image map to work before realising it would be way easier to scale/get javascript working if I just used buttons positioned correctly. Just need to do the javascript now as I made the album JSON stuff already.

14/1/2025 [14:30]

I haven't had lunch yet, just got too invested in shit again. Worked on the main menu today and made it presentable on mobile. Was kinda grueling because nothing worked correctly and I was constantly having to work around the janky original menu CSS that I made probably like 3/4 year ago. Ugh I GOTTA EAT BRUH

12/1/2025 [??:??]

Forgot to write this one in so writing it afterwards. Just worked on inha2ed, made the "photo gallery" bit and made everything resize correctly

9/1/2025 [13:51]

Worked way too much today, should've probs stopped hours ago but oh well. Worked more on the inha2ed site as I got the idea of making the elements look like windows 7 aero windows. Honestly really happy with how it turned out, just wish finding the icons hadn't taken so damn long x_X

8/1/2025 [13:16]

Started work on the "inha2ed" site where i'm gonna post some of the art i've done and talk about stuff. Got a good idea of how the site will be laid out, just gotta figure out how because for some reason i cant remember anything about html & css.

I didn't realise it'd been almost a month since I last did stuff on this site o_O
The holidays were kinda stressful cos of numerous factors and I didn't do much creatively. So I've been trying to get back in the groove over the past few weeks and felt motivated this morning to make the "art" page I initially planned on making. The "new" gallery stuff in inha1ed is still unfinished but the only work still to do is making all the albums which is kinda boring and monotonous. I'd hoped to write short descriptions for all the pics (just a few lines) but I need to be in the right mood for that - aka not bored. So unless I just forgo the descriptions it'll probably be awhile before I finish all the albums. Not even thinking about how long it will take to do the albums for all the existing galleries as it will likely mean going through all the pics I chose not to share because I didn't want to have too many pics loaded at once.

Anyways not sure when i'll next update the site tbh as this was kinda random this morning. Cya for now though :)

12/12/2024 [12:34]

Filled out descriptions for the bigger album because I actually felt happy/motivated today. Not as much as before but still enough to draw/do website stuff :P. Gonna maybe edit some more pics but i'll see because I kinda need to do Uni stuff :S

11/12/2024 [12:07]

Filled out the descriptions for one of the smaller halo pics albums. Felt good to get stuff done but I still didnt have enough motivation to do one of the bigger 20+ pic albums :(

10/12/2024 [14:00]

Similar mental problems today sadly. Did some work on the albums and made the buttons to load them look nicer. Still need to put descriptions and stuff but honestly its looking like i'm not gonna work on the site for awhile given how I'm just unenthusiastic about it...

9/12/2024 [12:51]

Didn't do much today, just uploaded pictures and created the album JSON files with placeholder picture descriptions. It's been rough the past few days because i've had no energy to do anything creative, most the pictures I uploaded today I selected/edited days ago. Not sure why im so burnt out but its the same with drawing and I'm completely apathetic to trying to change anything or do anything new. I got a little spark yesterday at like 1am but not since.

Lol this was kinda depressing and off-topic mb, hopefully i'll feel better the next time I work on the site :D

6/12/2024 [12:31]

Actually finished at a decent time today :D. Though thats mostly because I was just making albums and putting in the descriptions of the pics, AKA, not much work. Still gonna take ages to convert everything and add all the new pictures ugh -_-

5/12/2024 [14:10]

Continued with javascript/JSON madness but it was less soulcrushing than yesterday. Think i've pretty much got everything java related done for now. Messed about with how the images are displayed so they're centered now and the text/borders etc are correctly sized when on mobile. All that needs doing now is the HTML/CSS for the album selection box, and then I gotta go through and convert all the old galleries to work with the new system.


Okay but jokes aside today was one of those rare peak days where everything I do just works first time. Gonna go eat now i've not had lunch yet lmao.

4/12/2024 [13:53]

Lost my mind trying to get javascript to read the album arrays in a JSON. Got it to work for now. I need to eat

EDIT: Basically made each "album" its own separate JSON file that contains an array. Each array entry has its own fullsize pic link, compressed pic link, and pic description. Did the arrays in separate JSON files as it makes storing/editing them way simpler as its not just one big javascript file with every array in it. Now only the albums that are picked have their array loaded.

3/12/2024 [13:23]

Future me is gonna be pissed that i'm doing website stuff instead of writing uni essays lel. Did more javascript & layout stuff today - decided to go without buttons to change the pictures themselves and instead album buttons that load every picture from that album. Just makes more sense to see the pictures in a grid/all at once instead of manually looking through all of them 1 by 1. Still need to work out how best to store the album arrays as I dont think having 150 lines that just add stuff to the array is efficient xD. Who knows, I might be wrong but it would mean I don't need to duplicate the JS file for every separate gallery.

All that needs doing now is making the "album choice" bit and making everything look nice.

2/12/2024 [12:32]

Actually felt good about doing something on the site this time :D. Made the main inha1ed page look good on mobile. Was kinda easy ngl and I realised that I probably made the CSS overcomplicated and repeated alot of stuff that didnt need to be there. Eg making height "100%" when it would be fine on auto. Also did some more work on the gallery javascript, havent finished it yet but I got a good idea of what I wanna do. Planning on grouping pictures into "albums" with each album being an array. Wont go into more detail cos it'd take too long but only problem I got rn is how to switch between albums as they would all be named differently and I dont think its a good idea to have an array of multiple arrays of objects (if you can even do that...)

Yeah ngl this log entry was weird, dunno if ill do more work today because I got uni and should probs work on that x_X. Oh yeah I also updated some stuff cos I got a new phone (iPhone 7, enjoy your retirement brother)

1/12/2024 [15:23]

Did quite alot today. Originally was gonna just add pics to the halo pica gallery but started learning about javascript. So many cool ideas I thought up, then I started realising how much I should really make the sit look better on phones as rn its terrible. Cue rapid demotivation as I cant be arsed going through all the CSS and fixing it all to make it look good. Sadness :(

13/11/2024 [14:42]

Added some links for the other pics galleries on inha1ed. Should be doing uni work atm tbh xD

12/11/2024 [11:21]

Updated the inha1ed site quite a bit today: new logo, changed some text, added an "upload log" for when new images are added. Also I should note I changed the background image yesterday but didnt put an update log for it. Unfortunately having issues with motivation/procrastination (currently updating the site instead of drawing) so couldnt be bothered adding a log x_x

10/11/2024 [19:28]

Been at uni for over a month now so havent really updated. Today though, I added a top banner picture to inha1ed but didnt get any more done, annoyingly :(

11/9/2024 [12:50]

Whoops was late again xP. Didn't do much today, just uploaded and changed a few images. Also got the idea to change the background to a panorama shot but dunno if ill do it.

27/8/2024 [13:32]

Damn felt kinda crazy doing 2 updates back to back. Felt kinda ill and so haven't been that motivated to do other things I normally do in the mornings so thats why i've suddenly updated.

I updated inha1ed today, doing the Hotwheels Collection page and getting it all linked up. Was quite easy as I was just copy-pasting and editing a little of the CSS as it uses the same one as the gallery pages. Thought of an idea to put my favourite/best pictures on the inha1ed page as its kinda empty and bleak right now. Also not sure how I feel about the banners on the sides as I put them there to "fill the space" but the more time I spend on the site the more it feels cramped. Could maybe make 1 banner down the side for random links and make the site non-centered but that would require re-writing like *all* the CSS so I wont do that... yet.

26/8/2024 [12:52]

yaaay I took a month to update lets gooo.....
Hehe srry I just found it funny that I was buzzing about not taking as long to update the site and the very next time was a month later xD.

Did quite alot today, added some new photos to the MG Metro gallery and biggest of all I finally made the "main menu" the index site so now when people first come to the site it shows the menu itself and not some random page with a link to the menu. Not sure how it will work on other display/resolutions but fuck it, I decided quite awhile ago that i'd focus on having fun and just making the site look good on my own monitor as it would take way longer and be way less enjoyable making it work for phones lol.

Not sure when the next update will be, but I have ALOT of photos to upload to the galleries and I think honestly the inha1ed site isnt that far from completion. Just need to add some text, 2-3 more pages and maybe a blog area and it should be good. How difficult that will be is another question as i've not written any "new" html/css since making the galleries. Feeling hopeful tho :P
Gonna be starting University in 3 weeks though and updating the site is not that high on the priority list.

22/7/2024 [16:02]

Jokes aside I've been trying to get myself back into making the site and have had brief moments of motivation thinking of stuff I wanna do, mostly stuff for inha2ed and the others. Currently i'm trying to get myself working on other projects so not sure how long it will be before I update again though.

As for the actual update, I added the photos to the MG Metro 6R4 gallery so now every gallery for the cars is done. Now I just need to do the collection (which I have an idea for) and galleries/pages for photos of other stuff like Halo minifigs.

10/7/2024 [22:40]

Damn, been almost 2 months since I last did something on the site holy moly. The apathetic feeling I was getting has been coming and going but I was getting bored of the site a little bit. I'll likely not edit the site for a bit still. I just wanted to come back and do a little on it as I do want to "complete" it eventually. Currently stuck procrastinating between like 20 different things I kinda but don't really have the drive to commit to doing lol.

As for the actual site update: I just added the pictures for the multiple cars gallery on inha1ed, a small job but fun and gets something done atleast. Only other gallery is the MG Metro one now.

Cya in another 2 months :P , to whoever even reads this (probably my future self lol, hope things going okay brother)

PS: its been so long I forgot to put the breaks inbetween paragraphs for this log LOL

26/5/2024 [16:23]

Did the photos for the Lancia 037 Gallery. Don't know why, but right now I'm just apathetic to everything including the site. Just not getting any enjoyment or fullfillment out of putting the pictures up and stuff. Might change in the future but I dunno.

Lol this was kinda depressing :P

24/5/2024 [12:20]

Added the photos for the Ford RS200 gallery. Spent way too long yesterday preparing them. Messed about with some other stuff with the site and I might return later to add some more pictures but probably not. Gotta keep this short cos I got stuff to do lololol

20/5/2024 [11:28]

Added the photos to the BMW M1 gallery today, might do some more later but probably not. Kinda happy that when I added pictures that were a different height than all the others the formatting didnt break from how I made the style. I was doing family stuff the past few days (including walking and taking photos) so haven't been updating the site as much.
Also showed someone the site and they gave me a few reccomendations that I'll probably work on doing. Nothing big just changing images and text thankfully :P

Later edit: Added an updates button to the main menu cos it was bugging me lol

16/5/2024 [13:44]

Started adding the photos to the galleries today! Think alot of them might need more editing but i just wanted to add something so if anyone ends up on the site theres actually some content. Lots of clicking in paint.net and entering the same values over and over again. Thanking my prior self for setting up the CSS/HTML for the gallery sites well so I just gotta upload the pictures and change some links and it all formats correctly. Gonna take awhile to add all the photos but once im done i'll move onto the collection page aswell as maybe a blog for just inha1ed and then the site will probably be done. Until I wanna add more photos of course ;).

After that I think i'll take a break for a bit. Maybe start on inha2ed but i'm still undecided on what I want I want it to be for. Hopefully I'll decide by the time xD

15/5/2024 [??:??]

Fixed the site, got everything working (hopefully). Didn't add and update cos im a mong and forgot lol.

14/5/24 [20:36]

Fucked about with the site again today. Mostly trying to redo the main inha1ed site which i got working mostly but got stuck with the table at the bottom with all the links and picutres and shit and UGH. I wanna continue but I got other stuff I wanna do tonight so im gonna leave it. RIP

13/5/2024 [13:50]

YOOOO WE'RE BACK BABY! Okay maybe not gonna be that enthusiastic but I actually did take a break from the site and when i've come back ive ACTUALLY DONE SOME GOOD SHIT LETS GOOO
Alright yeah its not that big but i made the sites for the separate galleries on inha1ed, and now all i need to do is edit the photos and get them onto the site. Just feel buzzin about making it work and look good xD. Might edit the main inha1ed site again as I've got the idea to scale the sidebars to be smaller/bigger so the site fits other resolutions. Right now on the preview page it looks really broken because i made the site on a 16:9 monitor and the preview is 4:3 or something. The OG site was fine and it all scaled because I used % for sizes, whereas on the new site i used px. The main menu scales sorta well and I used vw for sizes there so i'll figure something out.

Just feels nice to finally be motivated to do shit again :D. When I was doing the site a week ago it was because I felt like I was burnt out from stuff like drawing and so I'd ended up playing loads of games again. I needed something to do that wasn't play games and was sorta productive i suppose. Yeah ima stop here, i should really make a blog instead of doing this shit in the updates page lmao.

Also holy shit right now it is 29C in my room. Hot weather in UK sucks :(

6/5/2024 [15:24]

Did the side banners for inha1ed which was mostly just using paint.net lol. Also made some hover bits for buttons and expanded the text description a bit.
Going to try not update the site as much for a bit, as right now i'm just using it to procrastinate doing other stuff that I wanna do lol.

5/5/2024 [15:22]

Did more work on the new "inha1ed" site for all the car pics, still not anything to do with the actual PICTURES but still i'll get on it. Also messed about with some of the other sites in preparation for HOPEFULLY FINALLY PLEASE making the main menu the landing page xD

4/5/2024 [15:49]

Small update today, just started making the new site for "inha1ed" which will be for the car pics :). Got an idea of what I want it to be but dont have any idea how its gonna work yet lol. Gonna need to learn alot of stuff probably. Right now i'm spending more time preparing the images and stuff instead of actually coding the website xD.
Update from like 30 mins later: Made a to-do list site and linked it all up. I GOTTA GO DO OTHER STUFF THO AAAA WHY DID I KEEP GOING

30/4/2024 [17:52]

Made the new main menu, first idea I had didn't really work but the next one was good. I also managed to keep the idea of the OG menu as I used it at a smaller scale and quality (and size) in the background. Kinda happy with how i've progressed. Gonna try do some stuff to do with actual content now, as I REALLY NEED TO DO THAT INSTEAD OF JUST PREPARING THE WEBSITE LIKE I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST MONTH. Man I just realised how much Ive just been procrastinating because im literally just overpreparing but just in website form... smh my head.
Anyways, updated the current "main site" with some new text and i'll probably make the menu the new site next.

28/4/2024 [20:41]

Feels weird updating the site at this time of the day lol. Anyways I made an about page for the new menu, havent linked it yet because i've still not made the main menu as the first page yet (mostly because the more I look at it the more I kinda hate it. Might make it a completely different menu because the quality is bad, the scale is bad, the idea of the logo and name has kinda soured in my head a bit. Dunno what i'll make it yet but I have a few ideas. All to do with Halo just not the main menu lol.

22/4/2024 [12:20]

Damn, been awhile since I updated this huh. I sorta lost interest as I realised that I didnt have anything to actually put on the website (even though I had lots of ideas) so i've been focusing on other stuff like drawing etc for the time being. Anyways onto the actual update: I got the background video working on the menu which was suriprisingly simple. It doesnt completely fit and probably looks terrible on other resolutions but still i'm happy it works :P. I'm a little rusty on my already basic HTML and CSS skills. Other than that I worked on some other stuff like the background for the about page among other background images lol. Still need to add the audio but i think that will be relatively easy too. Feels kinda refreshing to work on something different, was feeling kinda unfulfilled recently. Also as someone who gets anxious alot about time and wasting it etc, its nice to see that something I thought I did months ago was really only done 3-4 weeks ago :D

2?/4/2024 [13:22]

Got the menu working!!!! ...well partially atleast :D. Got all the buttons working and changing when hovered over, next step is deciding if updgrading to supporter for the background music and video is worth it o_O. Also i'll have to make it be the actual main site as right now its just a test site on its own. Also actually making stuff for the new sites because right now I dont have much lol. I got a few ideas but its mostly down to how much I actually wanna share (and also because I dont have much lol). I'm definately going to make an about page and stuff but that'll be easy by comparison. Also update the site that is currently the main site if it wont be the main site anymore. Lots to do, many updates to make!

28/3/2024 [12:10]

Started making a main menu in html, before realising the buttons I'd made wont work because of the size and white space in the image. Pain. Will try again later but im too mad rn lol

26/3/2024 [12:16]

Small update, just edited the to-do list. Right now most of the website work i've been doing hasnt actually been on the website itself lol. My plan is to have the main page be a copy/recreation of the Halo CE Menu, with the buttons going to different sites. Not even sure if the plan I have will work but its fun and im motivated to try make it work :). A few days ago i spent half the day trying to compress a 1m13s video down as small as possible. Got it to 1.7MB from 44MB which I hope is enough as its gonna be the background of the site. I could've gone lower but I wanted to keep it atleast 30fps and the same speed it is ingame. Gonna use a static image as a fallback anyways if it dont work. Right now the menu buttons will be images too, so dunno how well that will work x_X.

21/3/2024 [16:20]

FINALLY GOT THE CAPTIONS WORKING LETS GOOOOOO. I had to pretty much redo the whole pictures section using a table instead of how it was before by just adding the images and letting the gods of formatting decide what happened. Anyways it should be much easier to add more pictures now too, although I might just make a whole new site and just link the images. I'm still not sure what to use the site for overall, posting the pictures kinda just became the whole point of it after I put them there originally. Hoping to do more on the site but i'll see lol. Not much else I can use the site for right now is the problem o_O. Eh i'll come up with ideas. Remembering those ideas? Different story lol.

18/3/2024 [15:47]

Small update today, been focusing on other things atm so havent been updating the site much. Just added some more links to the images and messed about with the to-do list. Hoping to do some more work on the site eventually but im focusing on other stuff right now. Got alot of ideas but not alot of knowledge... or sense x_X

16/3/2024 [21:39]

Later update, doing this because I had a pre-going-to-sleep burst of motivation. Just added the links to the images :D

16/3/2024 [12:50]

Small update today, cant work on the website for too long just wanted to try add the captions and links to the images. I got the links working, not added any yet because I gotta go. Still couldnt get the captions working. Dunno why, was trying to follow a tutorial but it didnt work. Might try to just use a big table for the images later today but i'll see.

15/3/2024 [12:00?]

Decided to make another page instead of just posting to the site itself. Dunno if this will work because im kinda winging it, not looked up a tutorial for this just hoping it works as I think it will xD. Cant remember when I first made the site but i'll probably make a post below this one if I can remember when. Right now i'm trying to work on getting links and captions working on the images, with some sort of animation when you hover over an image. Links would probably be to music, as thats the only thing I can think of right now. I've been looking at a couple other sites on neocities and have been stealing taking inspiration from the code on there ;). Dont wanna rip anyone off, but sometimes its easier just to inspect element on another site to see how stuff works. Although I feel like thats prolly not a good idea else the site will be a weird conglomeration of different pieces of code held together by digital ductape.
I've still got loose ideas on what I want the site to be. I think it would be better to plan that out before trying to structure the website alot. BUT I still have alot to learn, and maybe it would be better decide once I've got a better understanding of what is and isnt possible. Who knows, right now my brain is probably writing this post because it doesnt wanna focus on the more important parts. WHO KNOWS???
Alright ima stop writing now before this gets too long

Many hours later update. Got the navigation bar at the top working, finally. Went back and forth trying to figure out why the bar was so big before finding out there is a default margin of 16px or something at the top? I got no idea im tired lol. Didnt get the captions and links finished -_-