Hi, welcome to Inha1ed!
This site is a showcase/archive of pictures of Hotwheels Group B Rally cars in outside environments. I took almost all of the pictures while out walking, with alot being in the Lake District in the UK. Most of the photos were taken on an iPhone 7 which released in 2016, so the camera quality is a bit meh sometimes. However I recently (Nov2024) got an iPhone 16 Pro which has a much better camera, so newer pictures should hopefully be better quality. Im still an amatuer though so don't expect the photos to be groundbreaking, im just doing this for fun and still don't even know what half the settings do when taking pictures lol.
I do edit some of the pictures slightly sometimes - mostly just increasing saturation/contrast - as intially they can look a little dull/blurry or need cropping. This often causes me trouble though as I have to stop myself from heavily editing the pictures or else choosing which pictures to upload gets even harder xD
Below you will find pictures of each car and clicking them will redirect to a gallery of pictures of that car. The pictures loaded on the pages are scaled down so you (hopefully) wont have to download as much data. Its likely still above 10-20MB per page though.
Other Pictures
I also have other pictures that dont really fit into the other pages but I still kinda like. The biggest collection is for Halo Megabloks Minifigure photos, similar to the main hotwheels ones where they're in outside environments. Theres also a gallery for uncatagorized pictures of Hotwheels or Car Models, aswell as a gallery for random model pictures in general.
= Halo Minifig Pictures =
= Uncatagorized Hotwheels / Car Models=
= General Random Model Pics =
= Upload Log =
30/1/25 - Added 2 more HaloPics albums, only 1 more remaining and i'll be fully caught up and can start work on the Hotwheels Albums :D
25/1/25 - Added some new albums to the Halo Minifigs gallery, still working on getting the old ones finished and then making albums for the hotwheels galleries
6/12/24 - I've started to add photos to the halo minifigs gallery. Using a new system where pics are saved into galleries. I'll update the current galleries later
12/11/24 - I made the upload log lmao
26/8/24 - This was when I added some MG Metro 6r4 pics. I'll go through the overall site update log later and try get down some more dates
26/5/24 - Uploaded the first Lancia 037 pics