Inha1ed's Website
Hi, welcome to my website. Not much going on here right now as i'm still learning HTML and CSS and everything else lol :).
The site you're on right now is the old site/page that I made when first learning HTML/CSS. I've kept it around cos I think its cool to see what the site looked like originally, and because why not? It was the index page for ages until I finally got around (worked up the courage) to change it. Realistically this page works better than all the others because it was simple and I didnt know much "advanced" stuff (if you can even call the stuff i know advanced lmao). Funny enough the "default" CSS is still the one made for this site, so the 404 and any new pages have the blue computervision background. Also because I made the update log page as my first try at multiple pages, it also uses the same style.
You can find the updated "homepage" here:
Alternatively you can jump straight to the updated "inha1ed" page, which similarly to this page is about hotwheels pictures. Still in the process of updating it but its almost done :P
- Living
- Kicking ADHD and Depression's ass B)
- Drawing, i'm currently trying to get better but its slow going lol
- Halo: Combat Evolved
- Cars, mostly 80's and Rally
- Photography... how could you tell?
- Make homepage
- Graphics: RE-DONE!
- The actual sites the menu buttons will go to: In progress
- Ideas: Simultaneously too many and not enough
- Stop procrastinating lol
All these photos were taken on my iPhone 7. Which mama mia that thing is like 8 years old now o_O
Makes sense why it runs so slow, still works though he a trooper
I FINALLY got the captions working for the images before realising that I dont know what to caption them, so yeah they might get changed lol. I've also linked some music that I like on some of the images. They're all probably gonna be different genres and stuff, but I just thought i'd do it anyway.